
The hills are full of breweries and wineries and new places seem to be popping up all the time!

Josh is still working on this page, but here are our favorites in some kind of general order:

Woodland Republic Brewing (Rapid City)

Lost Cabin Brewery (Rapid City)

Miner Brewing (Hill City)

Spearfish Brewing (Spearfish)

Cohort Brewery (Rapid City)

Zymurcracy Beer Company (Rapid City)

Crow Peak Brewing (Spearfish)

Prairie Berry Winery (Hill City)

Firehouse Winery (Rapid City)

  • Coffee & Brunch

    We (Christie and Josh) love breakfast together. Our usual weekly date is Saturday brunch and there is some great coffee and food right downtown.!

  • Dine

    Rapid City has some delicious local restaurants you just have to experience. From pizza to fine dining, don’t miss mouth-water eats just a few blocks away!

  • Drink

    The Black Hills have exploded with new craft breweries in the past few years and they aren’t just new, they are GOOD! Beer lovers unite!

  • Explore

    The hills are full of amazing things to explore and enjoy. On top of that, there is lots to do right here in Rapid City!